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Strings and Flauts Pad

Shared January 4, 2024
After long time and to vary, another pad for Surge XT combining strings and flute sounds. This seems like resulting in that good old Mellotrone sound, however it's not. At least the strings sound more like Solina stringsynths and there's missing the yet the choir sounds and lots of other Mellotrone's characteristics. Maybe i try that later combine 3 voices :) ...
The macros giving a quick variation access which appear in the demo as i messed them around:
1-High Flutes, 2-High Strings, 3-Low Flutes, 4-Low Strings, 5-Ensemble, 6-Phaser, 7-Attack, 8-Mellow <-> Presence...
2 desactivated FX: "Conditioner" (Limiter, Global Section) for volume stabilization if needed... and "Nimbus Granulator" (Send), for some spacy glimmer sounds in higher octaves (use pitch slider for any other intervals up or down, 4th and 5th (+5/-7, +7/-5) sound great too on some chord types).

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Author avatarJ_H_Jan 4, 2024, 4:46:55 PM

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