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Infernal Choirs

Shared July 9, 2022
Multiple voices (OSC1 in A-Scene), strings and pad sounds (OSC 2 and 3 and all OSCs in B-Scene) with some time separation and random parameters affecting pitches and formant timbre to make it really from hell for some horror-movie-like sound tracks. And of course all this abusing an infernal reverb.
As it uses vast randomization i didn't put midi as the sound result changes everytime being played.
14 827 43


Author avatarjazzrockvstuJan 31, 2024, 3:09:10 AM
@bloodlustsweden, belated big thankiu for ur feedback!💜️‍🔥💎️‍ Yep, u can some weird stuff with some voice wavetable, did some worse meanwhile 😅😊
Author avatarSwedraApr 20, 2023, 6:17:19 PM
Gives me flashbacks to playing Doom 64, so good job I'd say :)
Author avatarJ_H_Jul 10, 2022, 8:02:16 PM
@jazzrockvstu, I know Surge pretty well, and the rest of the synthesizers are not so well, but in general, the principle of creating sounds is similar in almost all synthesizers.
Author avatarjazzrockvstuJul 10, 2022, 4:58:42 AM
@J.H., tanks for the feedback💜️‍💜️‍💜️‍👍... de fato, Surge has a bunch of facilities for this kind of presets coz of its 2x3 oscillators. Firstly i was not able to discover how to reproduce human voice coz it has so many types of oscillators. It seems take a whole life to check them out completely. Wonderings how some of you guys can deal with several of these synth monsters in parallel🤗. At the moment i can only concentrate on Surge mainly and sometimes on Vital.
Author avatarJ_H_Jul 9, 2022, 10:22:03 AM
Wow 😍👍

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