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Shared March 23, 2022
To optimize the work with this patch, I advise you to make the following settings for FL Studio:
1) Shrink mesh for less detail (Options->Project->Time Settings->Time base (PRQ) [24] )
2) Set the maximum delay in the properties of your audio card.
3) Run the patch in a separate project without everything and use it for recording.
4) Disable all extraneous background applications.

Strings; Orchestral; Pad; Ambient; Atmosphere;

Compiled with FL Studio 20.9.1.
This patch consumes a lot of CPU resources.

Now a little about the patch itself!

I put it together for 4 months, relying on the sound of an orchestra with the addition of additional instruments such as choir, organ and vibratone. It is based on the Vital synthesizer. The rest of the plugins are standard plugins of FL Studio itself. Each synthesizer is a separate section of string instruments with different settings and sound character. Responds to key velosity.

Due to the fact that the patch turned out to be large and I could not upload it in its entirety to PresetShare. I had to split it into 3 modules.


This module is a set of three instruments such as Choir, Vibraton, Organ. Generally can be used for atmospheric sounds.

There are several faders to control:
1. Dynamic (adjusts the overall volume of the instrument's intro). If you lower it to the very bottom, the sound will be played at low volume.
2. Choir (Volume control for additional instrument).
3. Vibratone (Volume control of an additional instrument). The vibratone is essential for the plucked intro and it harmonizes well with the organ.
4. Organ (Volume control for additional instrument). Next to the organ is its brightness and film setting.

The remaining parameters are classic synthesizer parameters:
1. Attack (Management of the soft input of the instrument).
2. Release (Control of the smooth decay of the instrument).
3. Pitch (Tonal control of the smooth introduction of the instrument).
4. Dekey (Pitch Attacks brevity control)
5. Reverb (control of instrumental space).
6. Compressor (controls all built-in Vital compressors).
7.Master (total output volume).
8. Resampling (1-x2, 2-x4, 3-x8).

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Used in tracks (1)

Used in samples (2)


Author avatarFlamedragonzApr 19, 2023, 5:10:48 PM
@TheBladeWisher, всегда рад поделится некоторыми интересными наработками)😎
Author avatarBladeWisherApr 18, 2023, 8:04:29 PM
земляк, спасибо тебе большое за мидяху, я её очень долго искал! (и за пресеты тоже спасибо)
Author avatarFlamedragonzJun 3, 2022, 4:11:46 PM
@foxx329, ✌️😎
Author avatarfoxx329Jun 3, 2022, 3:39:40 PM
Author avatarFlamedragonzMar 23, 2022, 5:24:45 PM
@hikemah, 😎😎
Author avatarhikemahMar 23, 2022, 5:23:40 PM

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