finally, if for some reason, you want 8 bit drums, the only thing you have to do is... use white noise, also you can combine a square wave and white noise for a "drummy" bassline ( i recomend using thirds as the time section ). if i said something wrong, im apologize, i dont speak english very well and Im too lazy to use a translator, xeers
hello, you should try SocaLabs synths, they emulate hardware specs from vintage videogame consoles, also, the "synths" used on those songs are simple square waveforms, so you can use any synth like vital or serum, select a square waveform, and play with the release, bit crush distortion, etc... in addition, here you have some theory, triangle wave = sub basslines, saw wave and sine wave = leads ( you can add tremolo if you want ). also, you can replace all of it using only the square wave.