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Chamber Strings

Shared January 23
and now somefing totally diffrent!... a surgiest imitation of chamber strings (for some romantic cinematic parts😇☝🏼😁)... can be reduced to a solo violine, viola, cello or bass using only scene A, but it'a also possible to extend it to a middle size string orchestra increasing some macros like "sub", "lush", "room", "reverb"... tremolo intensity can be modified as well.
Solo strings may sound nicer using the last mono mode in scene A (which is the main module here, scene B is just thickening/multiply the sound and is less characteristic). Eventually put both scenes to mono as well.
To repruduce a more organic sounding tremolo I've used some changing modulator parameters (Rate, Amplitude). The main violine sound instead of a regular OSC uses a noise OSC combined with the "FX Comb+" in "Filter 1" which pruduces a "dirtier", somehow "failing bow" sound...

well, ok... enjoy at the muchest!😉

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Author avatarjazzrockvstuOct 24, 2024, 4:44:59 AM
@J_H_, thanks with a big delay! 💜️‍💜️‍💜️‍💜️‍👍👍👍😀
Author avatarJ_H_Jan 24, 2024, 7:02:21 PM
Good job 🔥

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