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Mass Nightmare Creatures

Shared January 16
Preset to produce actually self creating creepy horror sounds of automatically changing different humanoid/mutant/zombie or nice☺ prehistoric oversized cockroach sounds🪳🪳🪳😇, sometimes appearing singular and near, sometimes far away and mass multiplied to "millions"...
This preset has a lot of random stuff therefore. And it also may eat some CPU so u better not play more than some 3 or 4 notes at once. You can also try to play a low. a middle and a high note with sustain pedal down and leave for a coffee (or house work... or something better) and see later what it gives u as result coz it will always be changing in combination.
Mess around with the macros to change the general characteristics. Or go deeper into the parameters to create a better one :)
14 827 43


Author avatarjazzrockvstuJan 16, 2024, 8:29:01 PM
@J_H_, aaah, i will check out this bundle u've made! 🤗🤗🤗👍🔥🔥🔥
Author avatarJ_H_Jan 16, 2024, 8:07:26 PM


Arca Riquiqui synth
gem gem gem
Vital > Ambient > Arp
Slap Bass - John Wick - Blood Code
gem gem gem
Serum > Techno > Bass
Ace Hood, Future, Rick Ross - Bugatti (Synth)
Hip-Hop / R&B
Lead from Power Glove by Knife Party
gem gem gem
Serum > Bass House > Lead
