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June 12, 2023

LD Nightlife

Shared June 12, 2023
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Author avatarwoolfJun 13, 2023, 3:50:06 PM
I just listened again and I'm not sure if kick and clap are the right ones lol. The top loop is definitely correct though. Sorry, I'm making so many sounds at the moment it's hard to keep them straight.
Author avatarwoolfJun 13, 2023, 3:32:16 PM
Thanks, Winston! The samples come from sample packs I'm working on. I will be selling them online when everything is done but that will be a while and I don't mind sharing some on here. You can get the top loop, kick, and clap used here: https://bit.ly/freesamples-woolf . I'm also about to upload the bass preset on here. It's called BS FM X 1.
Author avatarwinstonhulley88Jun 13, 2023, 7:17:08 AM
Very nice Woolf, do you know where i could get the bass and the drums that is used in your demo? Thank you for your excellent presets!

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