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January 17, 2023

FullStrings 2

Shared January 17, 2023
Updated version of FullStrings 1, with additions including:
-Velocity Sensitive: lower velocities have a slower attack and increased hold
-Timbre has been stretched & dynamically balanced to sound better in all ranges
Macro 1: String Tension/Saturation
Macro 2: Atk Time (add to reduce overall atk)
Macro 3: Tail (add ro reduce overall decay/release)
Use MW for Tremolo
Add a small % of the macros to make the sound tighter, and a bit more pronounced to cut through the orchestra more.
Strikes at full velocity will trigger the sfz attack envelope (ideal for chordal accents & faster melodies)
Note: FullStrings 1 may be of easier use if max volume articulations are the only ones needed
172 8197 5002

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