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ATMO The fog

Shared June 25, 2022
WARNING: Watch out when playing with the macros, 2 & 3 may cause crackling

Atmosphere/Texture thingy with some settings, but using slow LFOs with random delays in seconds instead of randomisation
No post-processing has been done, sound comes as in the preview
I suggest playing multiple notes at once to get this texture, play two notes very close to each other for it to drone
I also suggest using sidechaining if you use it as a background atmosphere for a non-ambient track
119 8478 302


Author avatarProotzelJun 25, 2022, 10:07:47 PM
@J.H. thanks, found it completely on accident while trying to fill up space in a track and then just played random notes with it 😀
(sorry for the 3 pings, comment got sent thrice)
Updated at 2 years ago
Author avatarJ_H_Jun 25, 2022, 9:45:24 PM
Awesome 🤯👍

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