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LD Black II

Shared January 27, 2022
To saturate the high frequencies, I used the Fab Filter Saturn 2 plug-in. On the "Default Setting" preset, I split the bands, raised Bend 2 by 2.20dB at 8000Hz and set the Drive to 34%.
I recommend turning off the delay and reverb on the synthesizer and making them separately in the mixer.

Original Sound: Showtek - Black
This preset is in the: HARDSTYLE [Old School] bundle [id=69].

Trance; Hardstyle; Hardcore; Techno; Harddance; Hardtrance;

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Used in tracks (1)

Hardcore / Hardstyle


Author avatarFlamedragonzDec 31, 2024, 10:09:33 AM
@YIPPIEE, Basically, everything is in FL STUDIO, but I can use absolutely different DAWs, plugins, programs, etc. It makes no difference to me at all. Over 16 years of experience working with virtual instruments, I realized that if you are a creative person, then interesting things will come out in your hands regardless of what tool you use for this.
Author avatarYIPPIEEDec 31, 2024, 9:32:15 AM
@Flamedragonz, Like, what site or app do you use to make the songs n stuff? Like band lab or FL studio and such
Author avatarFlamedragonzDec 31, 2024, 9:06:18 AM
@YIPPIEE, Thanks, but I don't quite understand what you mean with your question.
Author avatarYIPPIEEDec 31, 2024, 7:28:05 AM
bro your work is amazing, wut do you use to make your stuff?
Author avatarFlamedragonzMar 7, 2023, 2:23:55 PM
@tekfreq1988, Just subscribe to me! Do not pay attention to the fact that the download button will still be red!😎
Author avatartekfreq1988Mar 7, 2023, 1:14:07 PM
How do i get these presets?
Author avatarFlamedragonzMar 4, 2022, 3:49:22 PM
@imchillin2day, 😈✌️
Author avatarRadboyMar 4, 2022, 9:09:03 AM
This is amazing, thank you <3 sounds exactly like the original

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