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VR's Terror Squad Wub🧨

Shared October 23
Oh look you woke up in 2015! But here's a Virtual Riot inspired squarified wub if you're inspired to make some brostep. Velocity controls the speed of the the wub- from 1/2 to 1/32. In your midi clip(or piano roll) there should velocity settings for all your midi notes. Typically, this is used to control the volume level of the note but synths like Serum allow for this to be used to adjust any parameter. Easier to change speed in there than automation clips.

Velocity- control wobble speed from 1/2 to 1/32
Macro 1- slow pitch drift intensity
Macro 2- comb feedback amount
Macro 3- change vowel intensity
Macro 4- stereo width amount
Modwheel- increases super fast delay(metallic textures)
13 243 15

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