October 19, 2024
Modern Skrillex Growl(Serum)💥
Shared October 19, 2024
Modern take on the Skrillex growl using Serum and effects in Ableton. The download button only includes the instrument rack preset. In the provided Google Drive link I have also included the Serum preset and Serum effect chain preset(in the case you have an incompatible Serum version). I have also included in that Googlr Drive download screenshots that show all the positions and modulations in the patch(to recreate it).
Full Pack Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxE50Jr67Ak69Tt9qMeh3wVVTFhqoG37/view?usp=sharing
LFO 1- overall movement
LFO 2- wavetable and wavetable warp (Asym +/-)
LFO 3- formant filter modulation
Overall Notes
Growl is already stereo widened and has been given depth via chorus, hyper/dimension, short reverb/delay
"Sub Split" inner rack frequency splits but in a slightly different way. The "Above" chain doesn't highpass until the very end to allow all the inbetween effects to make use of its sub(such as distortion and OTT). "Lows" are just the sub portion of the growl that has just been processed to be an adequate working sub. "Artifact Noise" is an emulation of the glitchy high end that is apparent in the original Skrillex growl(bitcrusher + ringmod combo). "Lows" and "Above" have been clipped individually for dynamics control then clipped together at the end to glue them and maximize them near 0db.
Full Pack Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxE50Jr67Ak69Tt9qMeh3wVVTFhqoG37/view?usp=sharing
LFO 1- overall movement
LFO 2- wavetable and wavetable warp (Asym +/-)
LFO 3- formant filter modulation
Overall Notes
Growl is already stereo widened and has been given depth via chorus, hyper/dimension, short reverb/delay
"Sub Split" inner rack frequency splits but in a slightly different way. The "Above" chain doesn't highpass until the very end to allow all the inbetween effects to make use of its sub(such as distortion and OTT). "Lows" are just the sub portion of the growl that has just been processed to be an adequate working sub. "Artifact Noise" is an emulation of the glitchy high end that is apparent in the original Skrillex growl(bitcrusher + ringmod combo). "Lows" and "Above" have been clipped individually for dynamics control then clipped together at the end to glue them and maximize them near 0db.